Chinese New Year 2016

I’m part of Jin Wu Koon Liondancing and Chinese New Year is a massive month long celebration in Sydney where the whole city joins in. It also means there a constant and intense schedule of lion dance performances for us that can range from morning till midnight and take us to all regions of Sydney... Continue Reading →

Going mad in March

How did we get so far into the year already? I've had so much on this year with home rennovations and a new job that I never find any down time to post to this blog. However, I feel a bit of a routine returning to my life ...even though I should be in bed by now (not use... Continue Reading →

Toko and Band of Skulls

A rare night out these days, a friend and I headed out to see UK act Band of Skulls. Beforehand we went to dinner at Toko in Surry Hills. Only at the last minute I decided to take a sketchbook and pens. I have drawn quite a few bands lately and felt not much more could be... Continue Reading →

You Am I

I went and saw one of my all-time favourite bands in the whole wide world last night. And it was awesome freakin fun. They're an Aussie band and have been around for a  few decades now, and every time I have seen them they put on the best damn rock n roll show ever. Seeing... Continue Reading →

The Black Angels

Last Saturday night I went and saw an American band called The Black Angels. Their style of music is very psychedelic, grungy, bluesy rock and roll. I am reminded a little of Jefferson Airplane and the Doors. My friend and I sat upstairs at the Enmore Theatre and right at the front. I dont normally... Continue Reading →

Abu Dhabi Do!

In February I was given the exciting opportunity to travel to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates to play with TaikOz. A huge honour, considering I'm not one of their more dedicated students. It was a unique advenutre and a bit of an insight into the life of a professional touring musician, and it... Continue Reading →

It all happened so fast

December flew by and I had a small collection of drawings I did over that time, plus some from the last few days.  Collectively they're all a little random but it ends another sketchbook at last. Only took me a whole year and eight days. My dad's long drawn out stay at RPA to have... Continue Reading →

Breaking out

I was given the opportunity to sell some paintings. I wasn't sure what to charge as it puts a bit more pressure on you when it's commissioned work. But the brief was pretty open as long as it related to taiko music. So I came to an agreement if they let me experiment I won't... Continue Reading →

Harvest Moon Festival

Many Chinese celebrations do not have fixed dates, like Christmas or New Year, they are instead governed by the appearance of full moons. The Harvest Moon Festival celebrates the change in season, and the main day is when the moon is at it's brightest, fullest and highest in the sky. For those in the Northern... Continue Reading →

From baci to brushwork

One of my pleasures these last few years has been learning taiko. It is a Japanese drumming practice which spans thousands of years. Not only are the taiko, or drums, beautifully crafted generation after generation in Japan, this style of drumming is an art. It not only requires great technique but an insight into Japanese... Continue Reading →

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