Catching up

I have been completely undisciplined with posting blogs this last couple of years. Sometimes I think I have posted only to find out nothing's there. I have been drawing a decent amount (somethings I'm not particularly ready to share with the online public yet) but I have been out sketching with my friends since January!... Continue Reading →

Wolli Creek

On the weekend was National Tree Day. Lots of local councils organised tree planting events and a friend of mine is a member of the Wolli Creek Preservation Society (WCPS). They are a group of volunteers dedicated to protecting a rarity – native bushland in inner Sydney. It would be like finding a natural woodland... Continue Reading →

On Saturday aftenoon

I went to one of my favourite sketching spots with a friend on the weekend, Camperdown Cemetery. It was established in the mid 1800s and I would say the last time it was used was a century later.  The main kind of activity it sees now are dog walkers, people on lunch breaks, history buffs... Continue Reading →

A capital idea

I went to our country's capital, Canberra (NOT Sydney, for all my international followers) for a few days. It was mainly to visit the touring Renaissance Exhibition at the National Gallery but I managed to fit in a few more museums and markets. Anyway, for those who do not know, Canberra was a planned city... Continue Reading →

Drum • draw • drum • draw • drum • draw • drum • draw • drum • draw

Hello February! This is going to be a crazy period for me - I have Chinese New Year commitments coming up for a few weeks so will find it difficult to do much sketching. But I hope to at least get some decent research material for it. I also just returned from a 4 day... Continue Reading →

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