Creative Plan – Watercolour Paints

Raoul Dufy exploration A French Post-Impressionists who, for me, is one of those rare masters whose work has appeal for both fine artists and graphic illustrators. He painted in a time where graphic design or commercial illustration wasn’t seen as a serious artistic discipline so his career path was, like most of his peers, in fine... Continue Reading →

Creative Plan – Watercolour Paints

I’ve never taken any lessons in watercolours possibly because I’ve only ever used them to add colour to a drawing, but to get the most out of this project, like all my past activities, I have to respect the way they would be traditionally used.  My selection of artists ranged from the big guns like... Continue Reading →

Creative Plan – Multicolour and Rainbow mediums

Although usually pigeon-holed as a kid’s toys I thought it would be fun to include these tools in my Creative Plan. I have played around with them on occasion in the past but never seriously. Multicolour pencils These were not so easy to find however. When you’re not interested in them they’re everywhere, but the... Continue Reading →

The Creative Plan – Day 6 Graphite Pencil

Today was about drawing out on location. As I had to go there for personal reasons anyway, my sketch location was the Sze Yup Temple in Glebe, Sydney. Unless you know about it most would not be aware of its existence (except at Chinese New year when it goes off around midnight!)*. It’s been at... Continue Reading →

CNY 2017

Chinese New Year came a lot earlier this year as it follows the lunar cycle rather than a set calendar date. I missed most of our lion dance performances this season so only did Friday and the weekend but that was exhausting enough! Usually I feel this tired after doing 2 weeks worth, not three... Continue Reading →


Most of last year has been an absolute blur and I can’t believe its already 2017. I think the reason time flies for many people is that we try and cram so much into each day (well I do anyway!) it makes the days, weeks, year go so much faster. I had more than enough... Continue Reading →

Chinese New Year 2016

I’m part of Jin Wu Koon Liondancing and Chinese New Year is a massive month long celebration in Sydney where the whole city joins in. It also means there a constant and intense schedule of lion dance performances for us that can range from morning till midnight and take us to all regions of Sydney... Continue Reading →

Animals! Animals! Animals!

Back in January I went down to Melbourne for a short break to catch up with some friends, and in particular sketching friends. I chose  Melbourne Zoo as a location for a day out having not been there since I was probably 16. Its very different from what I remember, a lot more trees and... Continue Reading →

Quick sketches

I've had so much on this year that getting out to sketch on location is a luxury. I've allowed  myself once a month to go out with one of my local sketch groups. On the weekend we went to the Sydney Fish Markets. The weather has been really unpredictable lately so packed mediums that I... Continue Reading →

Blue Lining

I headed out with a friend to sketch at the Coal Loader and Balls Head Point on the north side of Sydney. Usually when its a planned day of sketching I decide the night before what mediums to take. Sometimes it's everything - inks, watercolours, inktense pencils, graphites etc. but I end up not using them all. This time I couldn't... Continue Reading →

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