Sydney rocks!

As per usual around this time of year the Festival of Sydney is on which hosts all types of performing and visual arts, both national and international artists. Then on top of that a lot of Northern hemisphere bands like to tour the country in our summer to make the most of our weather (although... Continue Reading →

Spam sucks!

My apologies to those of you who follow my blog or drop by from time to time and leave comments but thanks to those waste of space computer hackers who have nothing better to do, my blog provider has not been able to keep up with all these bogus comment-spammers as much as it used... Continue Reading →

It all happened so fast

December flew by and I had a small collection of drawings I did over that time, plus some from the last few days.  Collectively they're all a little random but it ends another sketchbook at last. Only took me a whole year and eight days. My dad's long drawn out stay at RPA to have... Continue Reading →

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